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Bulgarian Association for Educational Measurement and Evaluation

In 2004 the Open Society Institute (Soros) – Sofia sponsored a project Development of a strategy for external assessment of the attainment of the content educational standards at the end of the primary school (IV grade) and at the end of the lower secondary school (VIII grade) on the cultural-educational areas “Bulgarian language and literature” and “Mathematics, Informatics and Information technologies”. The strategy was developed by a team of specialists from three faculties of the University of Sofia, namely Faculty of Mathematic and Informatics, Faculty of Slavonic Languages and Faculty for Primary and Pre-primary education. The Coordinator of the team was Dr. Kiril Bankov.

Simultaneously with the work on the project the team constituted the Bulgarian Association for Educational Measurement and Evaluation (BAEME). This is why the field test of he strategy was assigned BAEME and sponsored again from the Open Society Institute.

The field test took place in May 2005 in Varna and in October 2005 in Sofia, Veliko Tarnovo and Vraca.

The results were officially presented in a conference “Introduction of external assessment in Bulgarian school system – necessity and first steps” organized by the Open Society Institute and BAEME. The conference took place on 19 December 2005.

Field test of the strategy for external assessment of the attainment of the content educational standards on Bulgarian language and literature and mathematics at the end of the primary school (IV grade)


European Teacher Education Second Language Core Curriculum (1 December 2008—30 November 2010)

This project considers new qualification needs for teachers affected by policy shifts from a “compartmentalised“ concept of second language teaching to immigrant pupils to an “inclusive education“ in which SL education is seen as an integral part of a generalised and common curriculum process, i.e. mainstreamed SL education. A mainstreamed second language teaching demands changes in the teacher education curriculum, as all teachers need qualifications regarding their work with ethnic and linguistic minority pupils. At present, none of the European Member States has a general teacher education curriculum responding to these needs. “English as second language can now be seen as an integral part of a generalised and common curriculum process, i.e. mainstreamed ESL.” (Leung, 2003).

The main aim of the project is to improve the pre- and in-service training of all teachers for their work with immigrant pupils by elaborating a competence based European Core Curriculum for teacher education.

The Project is supported by the European Commission.


In 2010 the international study TEDS-M (Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics) has finished. This is a study on mathematics teacher preparation in 17 countries. From TEDS-M study we are learning how pre-service teacher education impacts future teachers’ mathematics knowledge for teaching. An important question yet unanswered in the field is how the combination of what teachers bring with them from their previous teacher education experience combines with the features found in schools when they first begin to teach to support the teaching of a demanding mathematics curriculum. To continue the study the ISC at MSU proposed to NSF a Large Empirical Research Project in the Contextual Research Strand to study the novice teachers’ development of mathematical knowledge for teaching and the influence of previous preparation, school context and opportunities to learn on that knowledge. Using a cross-sectional design, the study will survey representative independent samples of teachers with zero to 5 years of teaching experience in the participating countries, to explore the following research questions: (i) How do teachers with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years on the job compare on their knowledge of mathematics content, mathematics pedagogy, pedagogy, mathematics-related beliefs and on their views on enacted mathematics teaching practice? (ii) What are the differences in knowledge, beliefs and enacted teaching practice between teachers with different types of pre-service preparation, other induction related preparation, or no formal teacher preparation across the cross-sectional samples surveyed? (iii) How are these differences – in knowledge, beliefs and enacted teaching practice – related to system-level policy mandates, schools’ socio-economic context, policies, organization, curriculum, and on-the-job opportunities to learn across the cross-sectional samples surveyed?

The study was approved by the National Science Foundation and the grand is provided from NSF to MSU, Award No. REC-0910001.

The Bulgarian Association for Educational Measurement and Evaluation is the National Center for Bulgaria in FIRSTMATH.

The First Five Years of Mathematics Teaching (FIRSTMATH) - international study (started in 2010)

The project is ordered by “Teach for Bulgaria”. The goal is to develop, pilot and finalize instruments for evaluation of basic mathematics competences of students taught by teachers of “Teach for Bulgaria”.

The project is funded by “Teach for Bulgaria”.

Support to the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Youth and Science for Estimating the School Value-Added measure of school Performance Using the Results from the National Assessments (2013)

(Consultancy project sponsored by the World Bank)                                                               

Co-project between CKOKUO and BAEME for evaluation of basic mathematical competencies and cognitive skills of 5-th and 6-th grade students taught by teachers of Teach for Bulgaria” (2011-2012)                                                                        

The objectives of this project are:

· to design, prepare specifications and implement a multi-level, longitudinal statistical model (with sub-versions reflecting different degrees and approaches to statistical adjustments for student and school characteristics) for assessing the contribution of schools to the learning outcomes (schools’ value-added) by using the results from the national assessment after grade 4 and grade 7 of the all students in Bulgaria who took the national assessment after grade 7 in the 2011/2012 school year;

· to prepare an analytical report that (i) describes the models and the type and scope of adjustments (ii) analyzes the results from the different approaches to statistical modeling of student assessment scores for producing school value added measures, (iii) presents the key findings and limitations of the approaches and options used for statistical modeling and (iv) defines the optimal specifications of a multilevel statistical model and the requirements for a routine future use by the MEYS and the national testing agency represented by the Center for Control and Assessment of Education Quality (CKOKUO);

· to present the key findings and results from the statistical model at an expert level workshop with representatives of the MEYS and CKOKUO.


The project is extended by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science in 2015. The goal of the second phase is pilot additional modules by estimating the value-added of the schools using the results from 2013 and 2014 school year. 


Subsequent extensions of the project were implemented in 2016-2017, and also in 2019-2020, when an estimation of the value added of the graduating grade 12 was made.

Research on Reading Literacy of 3rd grade Students Trained in the Program “Teach for Bulgaria” (2018-2019)


The project is an order by “Teach for Bulgaria” to assess students taught by their teachers. The goal is to conduct a research on reading literacy of 3-rd grade students trained in this program in order to obtain feedback on the effectiveness of the training.


The project is funded by “Teach for Bulgaria.


Reference:  Study of Reading Literacy for Students of 3rd Grade, Trained under the Program “Teach for Bulgaria” 2018/2019 (ANALYSIS OF THE ENTRANCE LEVEL RESULTS). In: Education and Media, collection in honor of Prof. Vladimir Atanasov, PhD, Sofia, Prosveta, 2020


Abstract: The subject of the article is an analysis of the results of the entry level within a two-year study (2018 and 2019) of reading literacy exhibited by third-graders. The pupils are trained full-time under the "Teach for Bulgaria" program. The aim is to diagnose the achievements and difficulties of reading literacy at the start of third-graders education. The toolkit allows cautious conclusions to be drawn about children's skills for direct and indirect inferences needed for reading for learning purposes. So far, no such study has been conducted in Bulgaria.


Assessment of the Transitional Financial Remains of Bulgarian Schools (2021)


This project is commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) and funded by the MES. The aim is to create a more rational and efficient use of resources and to minimize the size of the transitional financial remains of the schools. This also requires an evaluation and analysis of the factors influencing the uneven formation of higher transition remains in some schools and lower ones in others.


The project was developed in the months of November-December 2021